The Different Sheet Pile Options Available


sheet pile manufacturers

Steel sheet piles are long, vertical structural sections which create a continuous wall. The walls are often used for soil or water retention. The performance ability of a pile sheet depends on its geometry and on the soils to which it is conducted. The pile transfers pressure from the wall's high side to the wall’s floor.

For a wide range of sheet stacks, you should contact efficient sheet pile manufacturers. Two primary manufacturing methods are the piling of hot rolled sheet steel stack and cool-formed steel sheet stack. While these two methods differ, the principal distinguishing feature is the interlock. The interlocking tendency is stronger than the cold-forming sheet-pile counterpart since heat-rolled sheet-piles are produced at high heat. Looser interlocks in extremely hard conditions or for walls with low permeability are usually not recommended. The two types of sections do the same, otherwise.

sheet pile manufacturers

Sheet Pile Applications

Z-Pile, named for its shape applications, all over the world are both permanent and temporary, use. Piles of provisional sheets provide safe building access and are removed, but sometimes are left. Two of the most common forms of temporary use for sheet piling are coffer dams and excavation support. Permanent plate piles remain in the earth, serving as permanent reserve structures, including reinforcement levees, retention walls, breakwaters, bulkheads and walls of environmental barriers. In order to combine vertical loading with lateral loading for bridge pills and underground parking projects, steel sheet piles also serve these traditional applications of sheet piling.

The main design considerations of sheet piling are bending strength and rigidity. In sheet piling, the section's durability must also be taken into account, in particular in permanent salt water applications. Often the drivability of sheet piles is overlooked and the selection of sheet piles can be controlled.

In the construction of the cellular structures, flat sheet piles (straight web sheets) are used. During the building of locks and dams cellular cofferdams are used to dewater large areas and are also used as permanent walls if loads are too high or when soil is small or lacking. Generally, large embedding is not required because cells are structural in gravity and the interlock is resistive to tension. Contract strength is the principal design consideration for cellular rear ends, unlike Z-pile or combination walls. The cell weight and the flat plate resistance from the structural stability.


PZ / PZC piles have "Z" shaped sections, with connections for ball and sockets. The type, shape and a number of this sheet pile denotes the weight of the section, in pounds, on a square foot. A PZ 22 is, for example, a pile of sheet shaped in Z which weighs 22 pounds per foot.

For coffer dams, height reinforcement and retaining walls are commonly used for the use of PZ / PZC sheet piles. The sections of the PZ sheet pile are identified from the flange end-to-end, by their Z shape and width of the sections. PZC sheet pile sections are lighter than those of the traditional Z-shaped products and tend to be wider.

sheet pile manufacturers


The flat sheet pile is a hot roll form of the sheet pile, which uses a system of finger-and-thumb locking. PS sheet piles have minimum beam strength but with their strong interlocking system they are able to resist severe conditions. PS sheet piles often create large, cellular boxes or arc. Whilst one of the greatest benefits of the PZ / PZC sheet pile is its strength and bending resistance. PS plating piles do not bend, but the water or soil retained in their cell has an aperture tension.


The cold rolling sheet stack is a lower-cost alternative to a hot rolling sheet stack. This kind of sheet stack can be made faster than any hot-rolled sheet stack. It must also be aligned at the time of placement. Cold-rolled sheet piles are made with constant web and flanges thickness and have a shallow depth compared to a PZ / PZC roll-coated sheet pile. Some companies are also offering a U- or omega-shaped sheet stack in cold form.

Visit us at Bigfoot for sheet pile. Being a sheet pile manufacturer in OKC we would provide you with the products you want for your project.
