Borehole Is Important for Brewing?

borehole equipment suppliers

Brewing is a process concentrated in water and the water quality is a significant factor in the finished product's taste and quality.

Borehole is one such equipment that is used to keep beer and make it old and refined. A good brewery will need high-quality boreholes to make the product a classy one. Contact borehole equipment suppliers to know about the total process. 

The Main Issue

Water plays a crucial role in the flavor and quality of brewed beer and the source of water will certainly have a bearing on quality and taste as the single biggest component of beer. Regular borehole maintenance is an integral part of borehole management to maintain good water quality, control discharge levels and increase the borehole lifespan. After a CCTV survey showing dull water and orange-colored biofouling on the case and uncased rock in their boreholes, Bigfoot was contacted by our client to clean up their borehole.

Boreholes are well known to be accumulated by orange-colored biofouling and iron oxide embeddings on the casings, pumps and pipes surfaces. Such deposits often cover and squeeze paddles, pumps, rising mains and well-headed piping, impairing a borehole's hydraulic capacity. In addition, biofouling in a borehole may also be an indicator of the value of a downhole system to other microbial processes and co-existing bacteria such as e.coli.

The biochemical reduction of iron oxydroxide is also associated with iron biofouling and precipitation. This is a process that is attributed to natural bacteria, which thrive in environments rich in iron and oxygen. These bacteria have been also known to contribute to improved corrosion and borehole erosion, to increased water aggregation of soluble iron, and to affect water chemistry in addition to biofouling and oxide precipitates.

borehole equipment suppliers

The method

Read here to know the process that borehole Supplier Company follows: 

Examining the Borehole by Inspecting the Pumping Equipment Visually

Rehabilitation by using the jetting system and by airlifting is ideal.  Conduct a CCTV study to inspection the borehole and outline the range of iron biofouling and precipitation of iron oxides after physical reconstruction. To assess the recovery efficiency, compare key measures both before and after treatment.

borehole equipment suppliers

The Output

Visual inspection examination of the pump and riser find iron biofouling and iron precipitation. Indoors and outdoors the riser had thick accumulation of iron. The pump also reported biofouling and iron precipitates and was bored in the water. The water was visibly thick and held small bits of iron at the beginning of the operation. This is probably because the jetting device removes the material from the box and the open rock face of the hole. At the end of the lifting cycle, the water cleared up.

If you need borehole equipment suppliers in OKC, you can visit Bigfoot for it and keep your beer in a good quality.
