Interesting Bits of Knowledge About Black Steel Pipes

Have you ever seen a black steel pipe? Sounds interesting, right? Well, it isn’t that uncommon, and you must have come in contact with it once in your lifetime. It isn’t something magical; it's made out of steel but has a black color that is not from any substrate like paint or zinc. It gets its dark color during its manufacturing process when iron oxide forms in it. Isn’t the whole concept quite spellbinding?

You must know that there are several uses for steel pipes; black steel pipes have several usages too. Most steel pipe suppliers claim that its versatility is what makes it popular in the steel industry. If you want to know more about this type of steel pipe, then keep scrolling.

A Little Knowledge About Steel Pipes

It is claimed that the method of manufacturing steel pipe was first started in the year the 1800s, and since then, many new methods have been discovered. The raw steel is used to form a more workable condition. Steel pipes are used for the construction of many different things; it is also utilized as underground pipes. They are mainly used to transport water and oil throughout many cities.

The Usage of Black Steel Pipes

It will surprise you that black steel pipes have more usage than you think. The steel pipe suppliers claim that the main reason behind so many uses is the versatility and strength of such material. Some of the uses are:

  • It is used to transport water and gas in different places
  • They are also used as conduits that can protect electrical wirings
  • They are used to deliver high steam and air
  • The oil and gas industry uses this pipe to transport oil in larger quantity
  • They are used to deliver gas to different homes
  • It is also seen being constructed in sewages
  • The water wells are also made out of such pipes

Fact- Portable water is not transported through these pipes because the pipe can corrode in water. The minerals also tend to dissolve in water which can clog the pipe.  

Some Interesting Facts of Black Steel Pipes

  1. You must have heard that black steel pipes are quite strong, right? The tensile strength is actually uniform throughout its entire length. This is a very beneficial quality as it helps to determine the diameter of such pipes.
  2. It is quite strong but isn’t very heavy. This makes it a perfect choice for many automobiles and applicator parts.

Difference between Black Steel Pipe and Carbon Pipes

Welding- When both pipes are welded, you won’t be able to make out much difference in the method.

Casting- Black steel pipes are cast from many different grades of malleable or ductile iron, whereas carbon is only welded.

The ends- Black steel pipes have a bell, and spigot ends when used underground, while carbon has flanged ends.

Difference between Black Steel Pipe and Galvanized Pipe

Color- The main way of differentiating both pipes is the color; galvanized pipes are grey in color, while black steel pipes are flat black.

Usage- The common usage of galvanized pipes is used to transport water, while black steel pipes are mostly used to transport gas.

Get Quality Steel Pipes for Your Next Project

If you want to get genuine and sturdy steel pipes for your next project, then you should contact Bigfoot Pipe and Piling. We are here to help you get new, old, and surplus pipes and have been doing it for a long time now. You can request a quote by simply going through our official website. 
